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Hey all 👋


I'm currently making an app using RCs Flutter SDK and I'm excited to get integrated. 

I believe I've wrapped my head around entitlements, packages, and offerings and what input on my future offerings. 


My budgeting app will have 2 entitlements for standard and premium subscriptions. I also plan to sell monthly and yearly subscriptions on iOS and Android. 


So far, everything seems normal and similar to the products examples on the doc site.



My twist is that service I offer will only allow users to connect to N financial institutions based on the subscription level a user chooses. I want to be able to offer the standard plan with a default entitlement of 3 linked institutions and the premium with a default of 7 institutions. 


I'm also planning to allow users to change their linked institutions limit manually (from 3 to 5 for example) and have their monthly/yearly subscription reflect that change in cost. 


My question is, will I have to make an entitlement for each amount of linked accounts? And with that, have a product for each sub tier, linked account limit, and renewal frequency on each Platform?


With a total product count of: 2 tiers x N linked institutions x 2 renewal freq x 2 platforms?



Thanks for the help!

I hope I'm not overthinking this. I thought of having linked limits as consumables, but I can't do that as I'm charged per month to have N institutions linked for a user. 

Hey @Anthony,

I think multiple entitlements with limits on the number of linked accounts is a great approach! 

I’d do it like you said and have Entitlement1 with a limit of 3 accounts and Entitlement2 with a limit of 7 accounts (or whatever thresholds you choose) instead of having an entitlement for 1 account, 2 accounts, 3 accounts, etc. but you have a better understanding of your costs and customers and if that makes sense.

My question is, will I have to make an entitlement for each amount of linked accounts? And with that, have a product for each sub tier, linked account limit, and renewal frequency on each Platform?

If you have a “standard” entitlement and a “premium” entitlement, with a monthly and annual subscription for each, and iOS and Android apps, then you should have:

2 ent x 2 durations x 2 platforms = 8 products total


In App Store Connect, you’ll only want 1 Subscription Group so customers can only subscribe to one tier at a time. On Android, you’ll want to make sure you properly upgrade/downgrade customers between tiers so they aren’t double charged.

Thanks for the quick reply!!

So, in this case, I’d want each limit on accounts flexible.. Like premium 7 accs as $3.99, and premium 8 accs, $4.99, premium 9 accs $5.99, etc.

Would that increase the total products multiplied by how many linked accounts a user could have?

I’ve played around in a debug app and I think I got it.

I’d have to have an offering for each set of the max account limit. Then offer they monthly/yearly package within.

So offerings:

  • offer_3_accounts_standard - 3 acc limit standard $2.99,+ yearly package
  • offer_3_accounts_pro - 3 acc limit pro $5.99,+ yearly package
  • offer_4_accounts_standard - 4 acc limit standard $3.99,+ yearly package
  • offer_4_accounts_pro - 4 acc limit pro $6.99,+ yearly package

The goal is for the user to decide how many linked accounts they need (with a dropdown), which level of access, duration they want monthly/yearly and I choose the correct package to purchase via the app. 


Edit from my previous comment.

It seems that I can add multiple Monthly packages to an offer, I’ll just have to create custom identifiers.

I think I like that solution a bit more as I can have pro & standard N account limit in 1 offer. w/ their annual packages too. 


Hi Anthony,

Can I ask how you ended up setting this up?

I have a similar setup whereby my app allows access to multiple “Patients” depending on the level of subscription chosen.  (monthly, annual for 1,2,3,4,5+ patients) and I have not found any other similar setups.




Hi Anthony,

Can I ask how you ended up setting this up?

I have a similar setup whereby my app allows access to multiple “Patients” depending on the level of subscription chosen.  (monthly, annual for 1,2,3,4,5+ patients) and I have not found any other similar setups.




Hey! The posts in this thread are what I did. 

I have about 40 subscriptions on Android and another 40 on iOS. 

Identifier - sku_platform_price_tier_patientsCount_recurrence =



So 2 x 2 x 10 x 2 (80 total) products in revenuecat. 


That is just for the default offering. Any other offerings include a subset of the modified 80 products. 


Not the cleanest solution, but I eventually got it to work. 🤷
