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I have created monthly and yearly subscriptions with the same level on appstore. In the app I first subscribe for monthly subscription and then I change the subscription from monthly to yearly in the app using Revenuecat react native library. After monthly subscription expires it changes to yearly correctly. When yearly is activated I change the plan again to monthly. Instead of changing the subscription back to monthly after yearly subscription ends in an hour it simply expires and the user is left without a subscription plan. Is it a limitation on Sandbox or an error? If I first subscribe to yearly and then change to monthly then after an hour it changes to monthly correctly. Highly appreciate if someone can provide any guidance on this issue. 

Hi @Venura,

Sandbox subscriptions will automatically be cancelled after up to 6 renewal times (this number is random), so perhaps that’s what’s happening here. Have you tried re-testing crossgrades on a fresh sandbox account?

This has happened to another developer using sandbox so it sounds like it’s just a sandbox quirk. Source: 


Thanks. I couldn’t find what’s causing the issue. Probably a sandbox quirk.
