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I am testing the purchase flow for the Play Store

I can make test purchase subscriptions and verify the entitlements through RC.

I can see the transactions in the Play Store console, and in the Recent Sandbox Transactions list on the RC Overview page, but if I go to the Customers page, there is only one user in the premade Sandbox list, where the user has 1 App User Id (it’s an anonymous one)

I made a new list of users where “Made Sandbox Purchase” is false, and can see a different user there, with 1 App User Id

In the Recent Sandbox Transactions list, I can see two users with unique anonymous App User IDs (i.e. there is no crossover or sharing with the App User Ids above) and with transactions.

These users aren’t appearing on the Customer page in any list. The transactions have occurred over around a 5 hour period. Should any caching not have been cleared by now?


A separate but possibly related problem - for the users who do appear on the Customer page, I’ve tried searching for a google transaction id in the Find Customer box that exists in the event data of the Event Details associated with that user, but get no results

Also, Exporting a list where I’ve added the email address and name to a record on the Customer page shows no email in the csv either.


Update to this:  most of the issues described above have been resolved with time. I guess transaction data is batch processed, and maybe I was straddling the batch schedule between the first transactions I performed and the later ones.


The issue with search queries using the Google Transaction ID remains, though. Is there a trick to getting this working?

Does anyone have experience with this?


Glad to hear most of the issues are solved! For the Transaction ID search, are you using a sandbox transaction ID? It needs to be a production Transaction/Order ID to work.

I’m adding this to our documentation to clarify.

Yes it was sandbox. Thanks for your help!