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I’ve seen several postings here saying that failure to save a paywall template is due to not filling out all the fields.  I have checked and double checked and somehow cannot find the missing empty field that is apparently causing the dreaded yellow “There are validation errors that need to be fixed before submitting”. 


I attach screen shots of each section.  What am I failing to see?  


Thanks so much.

OK, after struggling with this, I tried a different template and it saved just fine. 

The one I couldn’t get to work is the “Your free trial journey”.

I’ve tried two other templates and they saved fine, but if I try to switch back to your free trial journey, I get the same error. 

Is there a problem with this specific template?

Hi ​@philip-johnson-4e5f09,

I’ve tested the paywall with the free trial journey and I was able to save it without the string errors. One thing I noticed and it’s why you are probably seeing the issue is that under Features, both the Title and the Content are required. You don’t see Content marked as required until you activate that textfield.

Let me know if that fixes your issue!


Weird!  If you look at my first screenshot on the second row, you can see that I did provide “content” for both features, but still got an error. 

At any rate, I switched to a different template and it’s totally fine, so all’s well that ends well. 

Hi ​@philip-johnson-4e5f09,

You are right, I missed that image sorry. Yeah it looks like all fields are correct, I’m glad that you were able to change to a different template and it’s fine now. I’ll look into it though and see if I can find the issue.
