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iOS, Unable to load receipt, the receipt is missing

  • July 11, 2022
  • 1 reply



I am facing with this issue:

Unable to load receipt, ensure you are logged in to a valid Apple account. 

The receipt is missing. 

I am able to get products and also able to able to see and buy them. 


But after I click OK, I got the error message. I don’t know why this is happening. Apple Store rejected my binary couple of times. 


With a physical device I can buy the product but with the simulator it works until the receipt error.


Thank you.




Dan Pannasch
RevenueCat Staff

Hey user_v431f41, sorry to hear about the trouble you’re having. That error you’re seeing in the logs looks to be a fairly common one we see in the sandbox environment. Check out our docs here for more detail and let me know if that addresses the question for you.


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