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Unable to fetch offerings on andoid - is it related to open/closed track review?



I’m trying to implement subscriptions in my Flutter app. Right now testing on Android.

I have configured app store and revenuecat. The revenuecat status store is OK.

But in my simulator I get this error (copied from the debug console):

Requesting products from the store with identifiers: gs_3999_1y_1w0
Products request finished for gs_3999_1y_1w0
Retrieved skuDetailsList:
😿‼️ Error fetching offerings - PurchasesError(code=ConfigurationError, underlyingErrorMessage=There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from the Play Store.


Is this related to app store tracks? In my attempt to solve these issues, I have created Closed and opened testing, but both are still in review. Is this what is causing the issue?

Is the issue because I’m using android emulator?

I’ve been trying to resolve this for three days now. All the subscriptions are active and the revenuecat status store is OK.


Please help!



5 replies


Hey there 👋 Thanks for posting!

This is a question that has been asked before. I think you’ll find the answer from this post useful: 


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  • June 20, 2023

I have reviewed the provided link many times and have resolved issues I had before. But it does not answer the questions i asked above.

Questions being:

  • I have created Closed and opened testing, but both are still in review. Is this what is causing the issue?
  • Is the issue because I’m using android emulator?

Kind regards,



Apologies for the confusion. I don’t think it’s the review status or the emulator that is causing the issue. I suspect that the culprit could be the format of the product identifier.

Product identifiers with Google store will include a semicolon in the product identifier with the format of subscriptionId:basePlanId. Would you try again with the full product identifier gs_3999_1y_1w0:gs-premium-letna?

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  • 2 replies
  • June 20, 2023

Hi Greenie,


Thank you for helping me. 

I was following these instructions:

Where i only add entitlement id to my code and then call:

CustomerInfo customerInfo = await Purchases.getCustomerInfo();


if (customerInfo.entitlements.all[entitlementID] != null &&

customerInfo.entitlements.all[entitlementID]?.isActive == true) {

// do something

} else {

Offerings? offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();


if (offerings.current == null) {

// offerings are empty, show a message to your user

} else {

// Check if the widget is still in the tree

if (mounted) {


The code is taken from the WeatherApp example.

My entitlement in the revenucat is set like this (the first one is for apple and the second one is for android):


And the subscription in the Google play console:


For some reason the code is fetching the products with only this identifier:

Requesting products from the store with identifiers: gs_3999_1y_1w0


I pass the entitlementID like this: 

CustomerInfo customerInfo = await Purchases.getCustomerInfo();

EntitlementInfo? entitlement = customerInfo.entitlements.all[entitlementID];


Nowhere in the code do I pass the identifier, as it is instructed in the video above.


Kind regards,





Hi Jana, I think this could be result of an older SDK version. Would you try upgrading the SDK? I believe your SDK version now is older. If you can upgrade it to 5.0.0+ for Flutter, you should be able to use Play Store product with base plans then.

Hope that helps.


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