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Why is webhook aliases array null?

  • 27 August 2021
  • 2 replies

From the documentation of common fields sent in Webhook payloads, we get that the aliases key should a) always be an Array of Strings, and b) include all IDs associated with the user, including their “main” user ID.

All app user ids ever used by the subscriber.


However, we’re getting some events that send “aliases”: null in the payload, which is causing some errors on our end.

Can we get some clarity on this? Is null an expected value? If so, can you update the documentation please? And if it’s not an expected value, can you help us understand why we’re getting null?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hey @foca!

Was there a particular type of webhook event you noticed this for or is it widespread? I took a look through some recent examples of webhooks in my own testing app and the aliases field should not be null, even if there are no aliases. I’m seeing on my end that the $RCAnonymousID populates in the aliases field, even with no other aliases. 

Badge +1

Hey @tina! Sorry for the late reply. The last one we got was a RENEWAL from the iOS App Store. The event UUID was 1118E438-5CB6-4448-8871-F65D0FBE7628, if that helps, delivered on August 31st (not sure how long you keep event deliveries on your end)

We’ve since added code to work around null aliases by normalizing the values in your response, so we don’t know if there was any delivery that was more recent than that with this problem.

We saw this happen 65 times during August. Not a huge amount of events, but enough to be significant.
