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Facebook Ads Integration for iOS 14.5+ for users who do not accept ATT prompt

  • October 19, 2021
  • 8 replies


Here is the situation I’d like help with:

  • User is on iOS 14.5+
  • User does NOT accept ATT prompt - i.e. IDFA is not provided.
  • The goal: Run facebook ads to maximize the number of purchasing users or to maximize the value of users subscribing to the app.

If the user does not accept the ATT prompt, in that case facebook uses Apple’s SKAdnetwork for attribution.

  1. Does the Facebook Ads Integration in Revenuecat work for users who do not accept the ATT prompt - i.e. will Facebook be able to attribute purchase events to the correct campaign? I don’t think this would work, since I believe SKAdnetwork only works with local events in the app, not server to server events such as this Facebook Ads Integration.
  2. I believe that in order to be able to optimize Facebook ads for this use case, we need to track the events we want to optimize for (i.e. start trial / purchase events) locally in the app, then correctly configure the conversion values for SKAdnetwork and not send server to server events such as via the Facebook Ads Integration. Can you confirm this is correct?

Best answer by tina

Hi @Sol Zehnwirth 

  1. RevenueCat will still dispatch the Facebook Ads event on iOS if the customer has the $fbAnonId as part of the subscriber attribute, there just won’t be IDFA information attached. As a result, Facebook cannot provide device level attribution details about the event, just aggregated information through SKAdNetwork.
  2. I’m not an attribution expert here and not sure what the implications would mean for this scenario. RevenueCat will still detect the purchase and send the event over to Facebook, so there wouldn’t be a difference here. 
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RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 338 replies
  • Answer
  • October 27, 2021

Hi @Sol Zehnwirth 

  1. RevenueCat will still dispatch the Facebook Ads event on iOS if the customer has the $fbAnonId as part of the subscriber attribute, there just won’t be IDFA information attached. As a result, Facebook cannot provide device level attribution details about the event, just aggregated information through SKAdNetwork.
  2. I’m not an attribution expert here and not sure what the implications would mean for this scenario. RevenueCat will still detect the purchase and send the event over to Facebook, so there wouldn’t be a difference here. 


@Sol Zehnwirth have you found a way to run facebook ads to maximize the number of purchasing users for users without IDFA?


@tina When I tested nothing was sent to Facebook Ads when IDFA was declined. This post says the same thing: 

I followed this integration guide:


Am I missing something? Is there a way to send subscription information to Facebook from RevenueCat if the user declines tracking?


@tina I have the same problem; if ATT is denied, RevenueCat won’t send the purchase to Facebook whether I set the fbAnonId or not. @seth-starr-4f7593 have you found a solution/workaround?



@tina I have not found a work around. I tried to get Facebook ads to work, but after spending around $150 and getting no start trials, I decided to give up on Facebook for now. 

If I do start advertising on Facebook again I will let you know. 

seth-starr-4f7593 wrote:

@tina I have not found a work around. I tried to get Facebook ads to work, but after spending around $150 and getting no start trials, I decided to give up on Facebook for now. 

If I do start advertising on Facebook again I will let you know. 

Thanks, if we ever find a solution I’ll keep this post updated so everyone who’s in this situation can benefit from any new findings or strategies that work.


I am having the same issue. 


  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 512 replies
  • December 2, 2024

Hi ​@john-kim-653ce2, if you need help please create a support ticket here and with the issue you are seeing and we’d be happy to look into this for you.


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