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Where can I see all error codes sent by the RevenueCat REST API?

  • 20 August 2021
  • 1 reply

I’m receiving the following error message and I would like to check other situations where I can handle such errors, but I couldn’t find anything, no article nor documentation.

"code": 7242,
"message": "No promotional entitlements to revoke for this subscriber."

Is there a way to receive all possible error codes and their meaning so that I can better handle it when communicating with the REST API and avoid unnecessary errors?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

We currently don’t have any public documentation regarding API error codes, but we definitely should! I’ve added this to our documentation backlog and will write up a guide on this. As a partial workaround, you could take a look at our SDK code for some error codes, but note that they won’t include uncommon codes like the promotional entitlement error you shared in your message.
