Hi all,
I am currently playing around with the changes that come with billing client 5 implemented in the RevenueCat Flutter SDK version 5.0.0-beta.1, and I am getting an unexpected identifier on the StoreProducts:
List<String> products = ['subscription_annual'];
List<StoreProduct> storeProducts = [
...await Purchases.getProducts(products, productType: ProductType.subs),
...await Purchases.getProducts(products, productType: ProductType.inapp),
for (StoreProduct e in storeProducts) {
print(e.identifier); // Prints subscription_annual:p1y
I would expect the identifier to be identical to the product that I am retrieving from Google Play, but it appears it defaults to something like product:basePlanId. The defaultOption and subscriptionOptions appear to be correct: productId has the product, storeProductId has the product:basePlanId.
Am I missing something?
What would it look like if I had multiple base plans? Would I receive multiple StoreProducts from RevenueCat or would I get a neutral identifier?
Thanks for clarifying.