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I have configured my app (flutter) with revenue cat. I have two groups of subscriptions, those from v2 and the new ones from v3, on IOS.


My problem is that the some of the previous subscriptions are not detected (either naturally or by restoring purchases), even though they are in the same entitlement.


The purchase restoration function doesn't return any errors, just the customerInfo, with allPurchasesdProductIdentifiers,  expired date … but one one them, the valid one, is missing.


My revenue cat version is up to date (purchases_flutter 6.25.0). The rest of the functions work fine: purchasing, cross-platform restoration, link to the .... account. 


Can you help me? 


Thanks in advance

additional information: 
- I didn't have revenue cat for v2 subscriptions
- if I do syncPurchases it gives the same result as restorePurchase > no effect

More :


it seems to be the same problem as here, but I can't just rely on a "maybe" to launch my app in production.

My steps: 
- install the old app, from the App Store
- make a purchase (in prod)
- install the new version via testflight
- entilement via old product not detected, restore / sync purchases not working
- only products purchased on testflight work, and give the entilement

PostReceiptDataOperation shows old purchases, dating back to the current production version. So the purchases seem to be there, only they're not detected and not synced with RevenueCat.

On my dashboard, on the user in question, only testflight purchases show up, by checking the "sandbox data" box.

A little help ... ? Thanks