Hi everyone, We have a flutter app that requires user to make a purchase first and then create an account. Users can’t access the app unless they signup and create an account. First time a purchase is made with Rc anonymous id and after signup we call logIn() method with user id.
We are trying to implement restore purchases as apple doesn’t approve apps without having any restore method. When user clicks on restore purchase revenue cat restores the purchases but transfers the purchase to an anonymous id. We are using the webhooks to save user subscription status on basis of webhooks. But after restoring purchases revenue cat send the webhooks with anonymous id and our backend is unable to connect it with user.
After clicking on restore purchases logIn() method doesn’t work. In debug mode it says that user has been logged in but on revenue cat it doesn’t change the app user id and webhooks are being sent from anonymous id.
How to implement the restore purchases in flutter when we have an auth system to check the user subscriptions from backend