Hi, I want to purchase a specific subscription offer from google play.
This should work as described here: https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/subscription-offers#more-control-over-offer-selection and here: https://github.com/RevenueCat/cordova-plugin-purchases/releases/tag/4.0.0
I did my setup for Ionic(Vue) + Capacitor as described here (https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/ionic)
I have the following dependencies installed:
@awesome-cordova-plugins/core@^6.3.0 @awesome-cordova-plugins/purchases@^6.3.0 cordova-plugin-purchases@^4.2.3 cordova-annotated-plugin-android@^1.0.4
In my App I am using
import { Purchases } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/purchases';
and geht the typings from here:
(those seem to be incomplete! subscriptionOptions are not defined in the types I get)
BUT: In the results of “Purchases.getOfferings()” I get packages with products and those products have an array called “subscriptionOptions” with all my options listed. So the information is available!
But on my “Purchases” instance there is no function: purchaseSubscriptionOption()
Should this not be available? What am I doing wrong?