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Purchases.getOfferings returns "Error: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details" on Android


So I followed the official revenue cat website set up process.
I’m using RN and I plan to publish my app to android first then to the app store (So right now I’m only focusing on Google Play).
So after following this sample example : I got stuck on the Purchases.getOfferings that was returning : 
`Error: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details.`
Here is a screen shot : 

I’m pretty sure I did everything correctly so why isn’t it working ?
Also I’m using a developement build (maybe I can’t test RC with it, I don’t know), and my app isn’t published on the google Play I have created a closed Track especialy for it but I still didn’t send it to get reviewed Moreover the app bundle that I uploaded is a dummy app (the app only have a Text saying “Hello world !”) with the sole purpose of enabling Google Billing so that I can creat IAP products (I’m only using IAP I don’t have any subscriptions)

So what can I do to fix this ?
does RC not work with developement builds ?
do I need to publish the app in a closed track AND download it then to finally be able to test it ?

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RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 167 replies
  • March 5, 2024

Hi @hakem ,

Can you check the following things:

  • Check that the bundle ID from your development app matches the one in RC and in Google play console
  • How did you create the products in RC dashboard? Did you import them? 
  • Are the products active in Google play console?

The problem is that the products returned by RC to your app cannot be loaded by the mobile app. Our SDK calls billing client with those product IDs to load them. 

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  • 3 replies
  • March 5, 2024

So for the Bundle ID there shouldn’t be any problem as I imported my products using RC : 

and seeing as it recognized them and Imported the correct one it should be working (I double checked the IDs and everything), and yes they are active.

What I think maybe the problem is that I haven’t Submited My application for Review, maybe that’s the problem ? Because reading from the docs I saw that You only need to Publish the Closed Track when testing Purchases (sandBox) but I should Still be able to use “getOfferings” even without Publishing it (or maybe I didn’t understand well) ?.

I didn’t do this : 
1 - 

2 - 

Also here is my error stack :


RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 167 replies
  • March 5, 2024

> What I think maybe the problem is that I haven’t Submited My application for Review, maybe that’s the problem ? Because reading from the docs I saw that You only need to Publish the Closed Track when testing Purchases (sandBox) but I should Still be able to use “getOfferings” even without Publishing it (or maybe I didn’t understand well) ?.


Yes, this might be the problem. In my case I have my test app in internal testing and I’m able to load products



  • Member
  • 9 replies
  • March 8, 2024
MarcosC wrote:

> What I think maybe the problem is that I haven’t Submited My application for Review, maybe that’s the problem ? Because reading from the docs I saw that You only need to Publish the Closed Track when testing Purchases (sandBox) but I should Still be able to use “getOfferings” even without Publishing it (or maybe I didn’t understand well) ?.


Yes, this might be the problem. In my case I have my test app in internal testing and I’m able to load products



Hey Marcos. I am experiencing this same error and I have done everything. I even have my closed testing approved. I am using a development build on the expo managed workflow

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