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I noticed that it takes a few seconds to load the purchase screen in iOS after calling `Purchases.purchasePackage` in the React Native package.

It also takes several seconds after the user completes the purchase before the receipt is acknowledged and this method returns a result.

Is there any mechanism to know which part of the process you’re in?  I’d like to be able to inform the user at first, “Loading . . .” but then change it to “Confirming purchase . . ..”



Unfortunately there isn’t any more info available - the whole purchase flow is controlled by the operating system and Apple doesn’t provide any additional details on the state of things.

It is common for the purchase flow in sandbox to take a while (several seconds), but production purchases tend to be much faster.

Mmmm.  I’ll bet I can look at an app blur.  I’ll be the app goes out of focus when the store interface pops up!

