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Paywall not presenting RevCat 4.26.1 SPM

  • 28 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Hey all,

I recently created a Paywall for my main offering, and installed v4.26.1 via SPM. RevenueCat and RevenueCatUI dependencies installed correctly. I am using UIKit, not SwiftUI.

When I follow the instructions to present an RC paywall from my view controller, the app tries to present something, but the paywall isn’t there. The view controller just gets dimmed and unresponsive. I’m connected to the internet on the test device, and I made the paywall VC an instance variable just in case it was getting garbage collected. Nothing works … any help here would be invaluable.


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

@lavell could you share some debug logs and a code snippet to help us reproduce and understand what’s going on? 

Badge +2

Hey Andy,

As I went about to get the logs I realized what the issue was … there was a name clash, my app also had a “PaywallViewController”, which took precedence over the RC one. Renamed my class and the problem went away.


Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Ohhh that must have been hard to figure out 😬


I’m glad you caught it! Thanks for following up! 
