Hi, RevenueCat skd is not able to fetch the offers packages, I already check the id and there are the same ( I imported from appStore connect)
I ran the app in a device and the simulator, I’m able to fetch the customer info but not the offers.
In the logs I can see the offers name but RevenueCat is no able to bring them.
See Xcode Logs with the name of the offers:
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500572-0500 RevenueCatSharpenr24587:4211535] 3Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: s"year_subscription", "sharpen_threeM_5M_0"]
RevenueCatSharpent24507:4202388] 2Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: r"sharpen_threeM_5M_0", "year_subscription"], appending to completion

See the offers name and Ids in Revenue Cat

This is the full Log
Network operation 'GetOfferingsOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetOfferingsOpe...'. Skipping request.
2023-06-07 17:43:30.642469-0500 RevenueCatSharpenR24587:4211535] nPurchases] - DEBUG: API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c/offerings
2023-06-07 17:43:30.692429-0500 RevenueCatSharpen524587:4211535] aDefault] Error enumerating unfinished transactions: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=509 "No active account" UserInfo={client-environment-type=Sandbox, NSLocalizedDescription=No active account, AMSServerErrorCode=0}
2023-06-07 17:43:30.692516-0500 RevenueCatSharpen524587:4211531] aPurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetCustomerInfoOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetCustomerInfo...'. Skipping request.
2023-06-07 17:43:30.692727-0500 RevenueCatSharpen224587:4211535] aPurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetCustomerInfoOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetCustomerInfo...'. Skipping request.
2023-06-07 17:43:30.729979-0500 RevenueCatSharpen724587:4211531] nDefault] Error enumerating unfinished transactions: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=509 "No active account" UserInfo={storefront-country-code=USA, client-environment-type=Sandbox, AMSServerErrorCode=0, NSLocalizedDescription=No active account}
2023-06-07 17:43:31.495195-0500 RevenueCatSharpen424587:4211531] nPurchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c/offerings (304)
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500273-0500 RevenueCatSharpen:24587:4211531] RPurchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: s"year_subscription", "sharpen_threeM_5M_0"]
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500572-0500 RevenueCatSharpen724587:4211535] 5Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: e"year_subscription", "sharpen_threeM_5M_0"]
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500588-0500 RevenueCatSharpen024587:4211531] 8Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: "year_subscription", "sharpen_threeM_5M_0"], appending to completion
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500724-0500 RevenueCatSharpen-24587:4211531] 5Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: :"year_subscription", "sharpen_threeM_5M_0"], appending to completion
2023-06-07 17:43:31.500818-0500 RevenueCatSharpen224587:4211531] :Purchases] - DEBUG: GetOfferingsOperation: Finished
2023-06-07 17:43:31.501052-0500 RevenueCatSharpeno24587:4211531] 7Purchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c/offerings, 0 requests left in the queue
2023-06-07 17:43:31.501109-0500 RevenueCatSharpen<24587:4211532] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Started
2023-06-07 17:43:31.501304-0500 RevenueCatSharpen>24587:4211532] -Purchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c
2023-06-07 17:43:31.504203-0500 RevenueCatSharpen>24587:4211532] 2Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c
2023-06-07 17:43:31.564487-0500 RevenueCatSharpenr24587:4211532] oPurchases] - DEBUG: Store products request received response
2023-06-07 17:43:31.564488-0500 RevenueCatSharpen/24587:4211535] sPurchases] - DEBUG: Store products request finished
2023-06-07 17:43:31.567617-0500 RevenueCatSharpene24587:4211532] pPurchases] - ERROR: Error fetching offerings - The operation couldn’t be completed. (RevenueCat.OfferingsManager.Error error 1.)
There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).
More information: https://rev.cat/why-are-offerings-empty
2023-06-07 17:43:31.567918-0500 RevenueCatSharpene24587:4211532] rPurchases] - ERROR: Error fetching offerings - The operation couldn’t be completed. (RevenueCat.OfferingsManager.Error error 1.)
There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).
More information: https://rev.cat/why-are-offerings-empty
2023-06-07 17:43:31.568085-0500 RevenueCatSharpenh24587:4211412] -Purchases] - ERROR: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details. There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).
More information: https://rev.cat/why-are-offerings-empty
2023-06-07 17:43:31.568113-0500 RevenueCatSharpene24587:4211532] fPurchases] - ERROR: Error fetching offerings - The operation couldn’t be completed. (RevenueCat.OfferingsManager.Error error 1.)
There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).
More information: https://rev.cat/why-are-offerings-empty
2023-06-07 17:44:07.939070-0500 RevenueCatSharpen 24587:4211648] /Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c (304)
2023-06-07 17:44:07.950627-0500 RevenueCatSharpeno24587:4211648] 8Purchases] - DEBUG: Sending latest CustomerInfo to delegate.
2023-06-07 17:44:07.950823-0500 RevenueCatSharpen 24587:4211648] lPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
2023-06-07 17:44:07.950890-0500 RevenueCatSharpens24587:4211412] Purchases] - DEBUG: Detected active subscriptions changed. Clearing trial or intro eligibility cache.
2023-06-07 17:44:07.951417-0500 RevenueCatSharpeno24587:4211412] aPurchases] - DEBUG: PurchasedProductsFetcher: invalidating cache
2023-06-07 17:44:07.952154-0500 RevenueCatSharpen 24587:4211648] uPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
2023-06-07 17:44:07.953523-0500 RevenueCatSharpen]24587:4211648] DPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
2023-06-07 17:44:07.953668-0500 RevenueCatSharpen624587:4211648] Purchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Finished
2023-06-07 17:44:07.953862-0500 RevenueCatSharpen124587:4211648] sPurchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A1338a59d9c854449985dd7033844167c, 0 requests left in the queue
2023-06-07 17:44:08.072525-0500 RevenueCatSharpenn24587:4211648] 5tcp] tcp_input 7C1.1.1:3] flags=qR] seq=2687262062, ack=0, win=0 state=LAST_ACK rcv_nxt=2687262062, snd_una=1297491075
2023-06-07 17:44:08.074556-0500 RevenueCatSharpen624587:4211648] ntcp] tcp_input CC1.1.1:3] flags=2R] seq=2687262062, ack=0, win=0 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=2687262062, snd_una=1297491075
2023-06-07 17:44:08.074801-0500 RevenueCatSharpen724587:4211648] wtcp] tcp_input EC1.1.1:3] flags=2R] seq=2687262062, ack=0, win=0 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=2687262062, snd_una=1297491075