I am integrating RevenueCat into a ‘mature’ UIKit Objective-C iOS app.
@import RevenueCat; gives me build error Module 'RevenueCat' not found
I used swift package manager to bring in 4.1. I added RevenueCat package to all the targets that should need it. No end of cleans & restarts gets it working.
I was using an old .pch file which can cause weird #include dependency problems. After hacking to remove the .pch hey presto it worked. So I went ahead and properly removed the .pch files from the whole app, touching 100+ files.
Then I put back @import RevenueCat; and I get the same build error Module 'RevenueCat' not found.
I have another target for Mac Catalyst that shares nearly all the same code. That builds fine!
Can anyone help?