It’s pretty clear in the docs that iOS offer codes don’t function very well. I think I can handle the scenario manually in a pretty simple way.
I’m thinking I’ll have a “redeem” screen in my app where a user can input a code, and that code & the app user id will get fired off in a request to a cloud function that will validate that all is correct, and then utilize the “Grant Promotional Entitlement” feature through the RevenueCat v1 API.
Pros to this approach:
• Allows me to have more custom scenarios (I would like to sell bulk licenses to businesses outside of app stores and their employees could redeem this way through the app, flexible free trials like 6 months free, awarding free product to influencers, etc.)
• Seems like it would work a lot more reliably than the native sheet.
• Reporting is a little funky since I would have a lot of folks with the ‘rc_promo’ active sku’s, so I may have to keep track of the redeemed codes in a different way as well.
(Mostly) indie dev here so I’m just putting feelers out to see how other folks have solved this problem, and if my approach has any obvious pitfalls that I’m missing. Or if there’s a cleaner way to handle this with Revenuecat first-party sku’s or something like that. This may even be evolving into a feature request as I’m typing this too, haha.