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[iOS] Support AppClip

  • 3 October 2021
  • 2 replies


I would like integrate AppClip to my new application but it seems that the StoreKit framework are not supported although officially it’s not. I’m getting an error while I try to fetch offerings only on AppClip.

So in my specific case, I just would know if the user logged has a subscription and if yes which is (for my purpose, I want to know if I can unlock content only if the creator of this content is subscribed). Well it works great on the app but not in AppClip unfortunately.

I would know if there is a way to do this and if not if it is possible for you, specifically with StoreKit 2 server to get the subscribes plans for a determined user without fetching SKProducts with the native framework like you do currently.


Thank you

the solution I find is to use the RevenueCat API to fetch subscriber with app user id. But It would be great to have the subscribe plan with native framework.


Thank you

Hey @HB Media. Fetching the subscriber via App User ID would be the correct way to do this through RevenueCat. Subscription status is synced with an App User ID, not a device, on RevenueCat servers. 
