Within App Store Connect I changed the introductory offer from a 7 day trial to a reduced price for 6 months (pay per period). My changes are live. Within my app downloaded from the app store the price is shown correctly. In the simulator and TestFlight I still get the old trial shown within the “introPrice” object.
I am using React Native.
{"identifier": "$rc_monthly", "offeringIdentifier": "xxx", "packageType": "MONTHLY", "product": {"currencyCode": "EUR", "description": "xxx", "discounts": [], "identifier": "xxx_1m_xxx",
"introPrice": {"cycles": 1, "period": "P3D", "periodNumberOfUnits": 3, "periodUnit": "DAY", "price": 0, "priceString": "0,00 €"},
"price": 19.990000000000002,
"priceString": "19,99 €",
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1M",
"title": "xxx"}}
Is there anything I can do to get the updated introPrice? I already tried different phones, even a brand-new one.