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Hello, I have a offering where I put a custom description - 

Annual package with 7 day free trial

And then I added DisplayName for product as well 

Monthly package item

None of these fields were reflected in my api call, here is what I got instead:

"packageType": "MONTHLY",
"product": {
"title": "Pro Monthly",
"identifier": "pro_monthly",
"currencyCode": "GBP",
"discounts": :],
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"description": "Monthly subscription to access pro features",
"priceString": "£14.99",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1M",
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"price": 14.99,
"introPrice": null
"identifier": "$rc_monthly",
"offeringIdentifier": "default"

Why is all of my custom data missing from this product?

To make it more confusing this product has a description:

Monthly subscription to access pro features

Yet in the dashboard description isn’t even included as a option that you can edit:


App Store

Display Name
Monthly packet

2023-11-02 05:33 PM UTC


Hi Lukas, I wanted to see if I could recreate this issue and investigate further on my end further. Would you mind providing the link to the documentation for the specific call that you are using to get this information?
