I’m using `customerInfoStream` for the first time, and I’m a bit confused - in sandbox testing, I’m seeing updates come in reliably each time a subscription renews, and it correctly includes the `activeSubscriptions` along with expiration dates. If I wait sufficiently, however, I never get an update with an `activeSubscriptions` property that is empty - I simply stop getting updates.
I left my app running overnight in the simulator, and in the morning, I was not presented with the paywall as expected. Looking at my logs, the entry that I received includes the active subscription, from which my app (correctly) surmised that the entitlement was still active. The next update that I would have expected, with no active subscription, was never delivered. The time of this last event matches what I see in the console (where I do see ‘Opted out for renewal’)
Is this expected? I can certainly use the provided `expiresDate` to create an event at that time, but it doesn’t seem to me like this would be much better than simply calling `customerInfo` on a timer, which is what I’ve done in the past.
Here is my last log entry, if it helps:
Received customer info change: <CustomerInfo:
latestExpirationDate=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:27 +0000),
activeEntitlements=["subscribed": "<EntitlementInfo: \"\nidentifier=subscribed,\nisActive=true,\nwillRenew=false,\nperiodType=PeriodType(rawValue: 0),\nlatestPurchaseDate=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:17 +0000),\noriginalPurchaseDate=Optional(2024-10-06 00:19:03 +0000),\nexpirationDate=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:27 +0000),\nstore=Store(rawValue: 0),\nproductIdentifier=monthly_999_trial,\nproductPlanIdentifier=null,\nisSandbox=true,\nunsubscribeDetectedAt=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:20 +0000),\nbillingIssueDetectedAt=nil,\nownershipType=PurchaseOwnershipType(rawValue: 0),\nverification=VerificationResult.notRequested\n>"],
activeSubscriptions=["monthly_999_trial": "expiresDate: Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:27 +0000)"],
requestDate=2024-10-06 01:04:24 +0000,
firstSeen=2024-10-06 00:15:37 +0000,
entitlements=["subscribed": "<EntitlementInfo: \"\nidentifier=subscribed,\nisActive=true,\nwillRenew=false,\nperiodType=PeriodType(rawValue: 0),\nlatestPurchaseDate=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:17 +0000),\noriginalPurchaseDate=Optional(2024-10-06 00:19:03 +0000),\nexpirationDate=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:27 +0000),\nstore=Store(rawValue: 0),\nproductIdentifier=monthly_999_trial,\nproductPlanIdentifier=null,\nisSandbox=true,\nunsubscribeDetectedAt=Optional(2024-10-06 01:04:20 +0000),\nbillingIssueDetectedAt=nil,\nownershipType=PurchaseOwnershipType(rawValue: 0),\nverification=VerificationResult.notRequested\n>"]