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I have gone through the whole setup. I am testing on a phone I have already made an in-app-purchase on. At the start I received CustomerInfo correctly, but now it is empty all the time. Any idea what is going on?


For reference, the offerings are received correctly, and I can see the purchase in the dashboard. It seems to have another app user id though, for some reason.

Turns out I had to restore the purchase. Not sure why it was needed.


Should I have a restore button in my app? (I don’t have any login)

One more thing, when I restore the purchases I get this output:


BillingClient: Error consuming purchase with token. Response code: 8

pPurchases] - ERROR: 🤖‼️ Error consuming purchase. Will retry next queryPurchases. DebugMessage: Item is not owned by the user.. ErrorCode: ITEM_NOT_OWNED.


Is this normal?


This link answers all my questions: 


Thank you for pointing me to it @Haley Pace 
