Hi, at this time custom error handling is not available. We understand that this is not ideal, but please know that our paywalls team is aware of this issue and is actively working on improving this error handling experience. I can update here once progress has been made.
Thank you for the response, will be waiting for updates on this
Hi, is there any update or progress on this. I mean it really looks off with respect to entire design. You could have just passed the error in callback and developers would have handled it
Hello! Is there any update on this?
Our error dialogs should be styled now. Which SDK/version are you using?
Hi @Ryan Glanz,
I’m experiencing the same issue with the integration of PaywallFooter into my Android app. Could you let us know if there’s a recommended approach to fully suppress the default error dialogs from PaywallFooter?
- Multiple Android devices (various OS versions)
- RevenueCat Android SDK: 8.10.7, 8.10.8, 8.11.0
Code Snippet:
options = PaywallOptions.Builder(dismissRequest)
.setListener(object : PaywallListener {
override fun onPurchaseError(error: PurchasesError) {
override fun onPurchaseCancelled() {
) {
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open the paywall screen in the app
- Turn off internet connection
- Tap the CTA and wait for the “No internet connection” Google Play dialog
- Close the Google Play dialog
Expected Result: “Error performing request” is not displayed, and PaywallListener.onPurchaseError callback is invoked
Actual Result(screenshot is attached): “Error performing request” dialog is displayed, and PaywallListener.onPurchaseError callback is invoked

PurchasesError(code=NetworkError, underlyingErrorMessage=Unable to resolve host "api.revenuecat.com": No address associated with hostname, message='Error performing request.')

Error fetching offerings - PurchasesError(code=NetworkError, underlyingErrorMessage=Unable to resolve host "api.revenuecat.com": No address associated with hostname, message='Error performing request.')
Can't get address: null : java.lang.RuntimeException: Geocoder error: gspy: UNAVAILABLE
Can't get address: null : java.lang.RuntimeException: Geocoder error: gspy: UNAVAILABLE
Can't get address: null : java.lang.RuntimeException: Geocoder error: gspy: UNAVAILABLE