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CDVPlugin class CDVPurchasesPlugin (pluginName: purchasesplugin) does not exist

  • 10 November 2022
  • 5 replies

Hello, I’m trying to implement the SDK in Capacitor using the Cordova plugin for iOS, but whe in run the configureWith method nothing happens and I found the following log in XCode:

CDVPlugin class CDVPurchasesPlugin (pluginName: purchasesplugin) does not exist.

Error: Cordova Plugin mapping not found

I’ve tried with multiple versions of the plugin with no success

5 replies

Badge +4

Having the same issue with all 3.x versions. The only things which works is going to version 2.4.0 of the

cordova-plugin-purchases and version 5.45 of the awesome-cordova-plugins/purchases


Badge +5

Same Problem !!

There is a Revenue Cat People here , because it’s critical

Badge +4


Badge +5

@chea seed Thanks,  but where is RevenueCat people , issue opened from August.

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

There’s a conversation going on about this here:


Android is working and we’re working on iOS now.

