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Can an anonymous user with one subscription have multiple devices?

  • 18 February 2022
  • 2 replies

First I want to thank you for the great platform!


What happens if an anonymous user purchases on device A, then restores (still as an anonymous user, but presumably with a different anonymous user ID) on device B?


The docs say, that if my app “Does not have any login mechanism and only relies on RevenueCat anonymous App User IDs.”, I should choose “transfer purchases”.

I want to make sure, that in the case described above, the user has access to the purchase on their Devices A and B (both logged in with the same App Store User that performed the original purchase on device A).

So will device A lost access to subscription? Or both devices will have access to the subscription?

if so, does this mean that one person can buy a subscription with one account and distribute it?

What happens if an anonymous user purchases on device A, then restores (still as an anonymous user, but presumably with a different anonymous user ID) on device B and then restores to device A again?

Thank you

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @Hristo Ivanov!

If you’re using anonymous identifiers, purchases will be transferred between those identifiers so multiple devices won’t be able to have access at the same time.

What happens if an anonymous user purchases on device A, then restores (still as an anonymous user, but presumably with a different anonymous user ID) on device B and then restores to device A again?

In this case, User A would regain access since it would be transferred back to them via a restore.


If you need to share subscriptions across devices, you’ll need to have a unique identifier for your user (usually with a login/authentication system) that you can identify with in the SDK. This will ensure

You can read more about user identification here:

Couldn’t OP use `Share between App User IDs (legacy)` to allow the user to share their subscription across devices A and B?
