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I tried to search for a similar case - couldn’t find anything.

My macOS app got rejected for the following reason, as if Revenue cat doesn’t check for the existence of a purchase receipt.

We noticed that your app does not check for the existence of a purchase receipt, which can prevent in-app purchases from being correctly processed. 

Next Steps

We recommend implementing receipt validation to resolve this issue. At a minimum, the app will need to check for the existence of an App Store receipt and exit at launch with a status of 173 if it does not exist. See Validating Mac App Store Receipts for more information.


I assume syncing purchases might solve the problem but the documentation says to use this API only for migration - I don’t want to sync it for every install. Actually I’m not even certain it is going to check for the receipt if i call that.

Best Regards,


The reviewer very rarely provides the correct information to resolve App Store rejections, usually they just paste one of a couple responses for everyone so it’s impossible to say if that’s the real issue they experienced or not. RevenueCat does receipt validation, so their recommendation of “implementing receipt validation” doesn’t apply.


The best recommendation we’ve heard is to usually confirm everything works in Testflight, then resubmit the same build for review. I’ve heard developers submitting the same binary 10 times before Apple can get it working, without any code changes. I had a reviewer tell me the problem ended up being a bad WiFi connection on their test device 😅

The reviewer very rarely provides the correct information to resolve App Store rejections, usually they just paste one of a couple responses for everyone so it’s impossible to say if that’s the real issue they experienced or not. RevenueCat does receipt validation, so their recommendation of “implementing receipt validation” doesn’t apply.


The best recommendation we’ve heard is to usually confirm everything works in Testflight, then resubmit the same build for review. I’ve heard developers submitting the same binary 10 times before Apple can get it working, without any code changes. I had a reviewer tell me the problem ended up being a bad WiFi connection on their test device 😅

It worked, thanks! Third review went through. At least now they report other problems.
