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I just installed RevenueCat via CocoaPods, but after I build/run my app (iOS/macOS), I got 60 warnings for each target.


  - Purchases (3.13.1)
  - PurchasesCoreSwift (3.13.1)


  - macOS (11.0)
  - iOS (15.0)


  - Version 13.0


  - macOS Big Sur (Version 11.5.2)


Have you updated Xcode to 13.2? That might take care of some warnings.

If you’ve updated Xcode already, can you share some of the warnings here? We can only help with warnings coming from the RevenueCat SDK, not from your project, but I can forward the errors to our engineers to look into.

Yes, my Xcode version is 13.2.1 (13C100).

Attached are the warnings:

