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why is event data price showing new pricing when purchased_at is months prior to new pricing change

  • 3 February 2022
  • 5 replies

I was looking at some transaction detail for our account.  We began an App Store price change from $0.99 to $2.99 on Jan-9-2022, we preserved pricing for existing subscribers.

How is the following detail data possible?  The purchased_at date is Aug-3-2021.  All subsequent data for app_user renewals also are showing $2.99 so RC revenue is overstated for this app_user it seems.

  "app_id": "appa8d87477cb",
  "app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:b8bfb41443d54a4ebb9c35866e17efbb",
  "country_code": "US",
  "currency": "USD",
  "entitlement_ids": null,
  "environment": "PRODUCTION",
  "event_timestamp_ms": 1628006356000,
  "expiration_at_ms": 1630684756000,
  "is_family_share": false,
  "is_trial_conversion": true,
  "offer_code": null,
  "price": 2.99,
  "price_in_purchased_currency": 2.99,
  "product_id": "me_mo.99_1",
  "purchased_at_ms": 1628006356000,
  "store": "APP_STORE",
  "takehome_percentage": 0.85,
  "transaction_id": "460000931772246"

5 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi @Don Simone,

Thanks for reaching out! The App Store does not provide prices for products to RevenueCat directly, so we try to estimate it as best as we can at the time of purchase. So we should have an accurate price as long as the user existed in RevenueCat when the price change occurred. However, for the example you shared, the user was created in RevenueCat recently, so we backfilled their historical transactions using the latest price estimate of the product.

Generally when developers make price changes, we recommend creating a new product with the new price so that we don't run into this discrepancy with historical price changes. (For more information, here's our doc on price changes across the store:

Badge +4

Sorry, still doesn’t make sense to us. 

We preserved pricing for existing subscribers with our change, you can see from below the user went to paid in September-2021.

The latest renewal, from Feb-2-2022, shows the user renewed at a price of 2.99; but, they actually renewed at original/prior pricing of 0.99 because we preserved pricing.

Why is RC “first seen using the app” in Feb-3-2022 when you have data back to August-2021?  That may help us understand what is going on.


Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2022-02-03 4:59 PM

Last opened the app

2022-02-03 4:29 PM

First seen using the app

2022-02-03 4:29 PM

Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2022-01-03 4:59 PM

Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2021-12-03 4:59 PM

Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2021-11-03 3:59 PM

Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2021-10-03 3:59 PM

Renewed their subscription of  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2021-09-03 3:59 PM

Converted from a trial to  me_mo.99_1 for USD 2.99

2021-08-03 3:59 PM

Started a trial of  me_mo.99_1


Userlevel 3
Badge +8

@Don Simone 

Why is RC “first seen using the app” in Feb-3-2022 when you have data back to August-2021?  That may help us understand what is going on.

Yeah that’s a good way to tell from the customer profile page that the customer migrated - they were first detected in RevenueCat on February 3, 2022, and we recreated the data going back to August 2021 using their receipt. But because the receipt we get doesn’t actually contain the price they paid for their purchases, we backfill the data using our latest known price for that product, which is $2.99. To clarify, that user is paying $0.99, but we have no way of knowing about that initial price because the price change happened before the user existed in RevenueCat. 

Badge +4

Thanks.  The very latest renewal from Feb-3 shows the user paid 2.99.  Where would I be able to see in your system that $RCAnonymousID:b8bfb41443d54a4ebb9c35866e17efbb paid 0.99?  Obviously I’m curious since our monthly RC subscription is based on tracked revenue, this is only 1 small transaction but I’d like to verify price paid is 0.99, not 2.99.

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

@Don Simone, unfortunately I don’t believe you’d be able to, as Apple doesn’t provide the price directly on the receipt. The only way of knowing is the fact that they made the purchase before your price change and have continued renewing from that point. 
