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Regarding to the official doc ( ), I have 2 questions would like to clarify.

1/ The description of presented_offering_id mentioned:

“Not available for apps using legacy entitlements.”

However I could not find the definition of “legacy entitlement”. 

2/ The presented_offering_id is listed under “Subscription Lifecycle Events Fields”. But I can create offering for NON_RENEWING_PURCHASE ​​​​​​, and I can receive this field from the webhook as well. Our application have a logic based on presented_offering_id, so is it ok to use it for NON_RENEWING_PURCHASE ? 


Thank you.

Hey @Kev 

Legacy Entitlements was what RevenueCat customers used before we migrated to the Offering system that you see today. This is relative to those using an SDK version before 3.x major was released. Apps will not see Legacy Entitlements unless they had this set up previously on an older version of our platform. 


Yes, the presented_offering_id field can also be used for non renewing subscriptions. This just lets you know what Offering identifier the customer saw when you presented your paywall. 
