Coming from I am unable to fetch any products with RevenueCat on watchOS 9 if I set the useStoreKit2IfAvailable flag in TestFlight.
The call is
Purchases.shared.getProducts …. { result in
// this never gets called
I have also tried this with the native StoreKit 2 call (described in the StackOverflow thread) and I see a very similar behavior; essentially it doesn’t continue past the
try await Product.products
call. This is all in TestFlight, I’m now afraid to push to production because I’m uncertain whether it will work in a public release.
Now 2 things:
- is there any way for me to further debug this?
- RC, can you tell whether this issue will be lifted in production release? In both cases I think you really need to put a depreciation warning there for watchOS if you can reproduce the issue