Should I use the same single App Store Connect API Key and In-App Purchase Key for all of my apps (so there will be one App Store Connect API Key and one In-App Purchase Key in Apple Dashboard)?
Project A:
- iOS App A
Project B:
- iOS App B
Project C:
- iOS App C
and so on…
If yes, I generated and downloaded the keys from Apple once, but shortly after uploading them into my first RevenueCat project, I deleted them. This app is currently live on App Store Connect, and everything is working as it should. If I revoke the keys I used in this app, generate new ones on Apple, and then replace them in the RevenueCat project, will everything be fine and keep working? Or am I not able to change them now? Of course, I will save these keys this time and use them in every future app that will include in-app purchases.
I am new to IAP in apps. It's probably a trivial question, but even after reading the official documentation, I am still unsure about it.