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We’ve recently starting using RevenueCat and everything seems to be working fine!

We have a backend-focused approach, where we query the REST API to get subscription information server-side. 

Something we have noticed is that the API returns old data when immediately querying it after receiving a webhook event or purchase. This happens with both server webhooks or webhooks to the SDK. We have noticed that this can take longer than 2 seconds before querying the API delivers the new data.

The question then is, when can we expect querying the API to return the same state of the data as in the webhook event?


Kind regards,


Hi Bob!

It looks like you’ve got a current ticket open with one of my teammates, so that is best for future communication. 

Just for anyone coming across this post in the future with a similar issue - the API should be up to date in this case, and we’re checking into our logs to ensure this and troubleshoot anything that could cause the query to be out of date. If you’re experiencing an issue like this, it’d be helpful to open a support ticket and share some user ids and event uuids with us! 

Hi Kaitlin!

Thanks for the reply - yes I’m indeed also in an open ticket. Maybe this wasn’t the best way of dealing with the problem (opening a support ticket after opening a community post). Yet I opted for opening a support ticket, since it felt more appropriate after some thinking :)

I’ll consider this post answered!