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Hi all,

After checking several questions in the community and the API documentation, it is my understanding that{app_user_idwill only get the latest purchase information for the single app_user_id provided.

Is there a way to GET all the current purchase and user_id info from the users actually subscribed or in trial at once?


Hey @Adrian!

We don’t currently have an API endpoint to retrieve all customers that are subscribed (only one user at a time like you mentioned), but you might be able to take advantage of Customer Lists as a workaround in the mean time. By filtering on different attributes (like subscription status) you can export lists of users to take action on.


it would be great if it would be possible in the future to get all currently subscribed users with one single API request.

revenuecat api is open source? I want implement that feature , I think is an important feature, why we can't get active users with an api request? :( 

@cody Was also wondering if there is a reason why this isn’t possible.

Example: I want to send a transactional email to 140.000 users and instead of requesting the RC API 140.000 times I could simply do a quick check which users are subscribers and mark them in my database.
