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Setup promotional offer - iOS

  • 30 September 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I am just finishing my initial setup with RevenueCat and my Flutter app. I believe all is set with the exception of how to handle promotional offers.

I have a Free 1 week promotional offer that is setup in App Store Connect for both a Monthly subscription and an Annual subscription. This requires 4 product codes as you have to include the same promotion for both subscription types. So I have two promotional offers, one for the Monthly and the other for the Annual.

I have also created two In App purchase keys, one for Monthly and one for Annual.

How do I configure the App Store configuration when you can only add 1 Subscription p8 file?

Once I get this resolved the documentation on “Implementing iOS subscription offers” does not have details for Flutter developers. What do I do?

Hey @Brian Remington!

You don’t need to create multiple subscription keys- we only support one, and one is all that is required for all of your offers. You can read more about this here:

Additionally, while we don’t yet include code samples for Flutter (we’re working on it!), it’s a very similar process to native iOS. For example, here is the method for fetching discounts via the Flutter SDK. The package is then purchase by passing that discount into this method.
