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Here goes - first question!

My SwiftUI app being built in Xcode and using purchases set up from WeatherUI example is returning the below error message despite reading the product identifiers correctly -

>Purchases] - WARN: ⚠️ Empty Product titles are not supported.

I therefore get no products displayed in the PackageCellView


Any ideas? 

How do I set Product title? Where do I set Product title?

Very confused.


Have you resolved this issue? I am getting the same for just one of my packages. Although everything appears to work fine still.

It’s about localization.

In App Store Connect, find the product, and look for “App Store Localization +”
And add a Localization for any language you are using, with title and description.

If you are doing sandboxing, in XCode in the Configuration file that you have created, choose the product, in Localizations, add one with a Display Name.

Ahhh thank you! much appreciated :)

I have been facing the same issue during the App Store review process. It turned out that my localisation for Subscriptions Title and Description had been rejected by the reviewer, and they returned the empty Titles as mentioned above. Just in case it also might be helpful for someone. The solution is obviously to rewrite your localisations and send it for review. After that, the error is gone, and the titles work as expected.

@Anton Klimenko This saved me. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting anything. This is the first IAPs in my product, so unfortunately it seems that I can’t test this now without submitting the whole app for review. :(
