
Pagination of purchase response array?

  • 1 April 2023
  • 2 replies

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In the case if the purchase history has to be automatically paginated (if user has alot of purchase history), will it still give us the most recent purchase via nonSubscriptionTransactions.len - 1 ? 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @dz1200,

Can you clarify where you’re getting a paginated payment history? Generally from the SDK, you can get a current snapshot of the user’s entitlements and purchased product IDs, but CustomerInfo doesn’t include a full transaction history.

You can read more about what’s included here:

Badge +3

Hey @dz1200,

Can you clarify where you’re getting a paginated payment history? Generally from the SDK, you can get a current snapshot of the user’s entitlements and purchased product IDs, but CustomerInfo doesn’t include a full transaction history.

You can read more about what’s included here:

Hi cody,

The doc states

“An array of all the non-consumable product identifiers purchased by the user”

I just wanted to make sure no matter the size of user buy history, I can always get the most recent, or that if you guys end up paginating it in the future, it’ll give us back the tail end of the history

