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Moving purchases from one system to another

  • 12 November 2022
  • 2 replies

I have older app where users purchase my software using PayPal. Now that I have my app ready for the Apple App Store I am offering in-app-purchases. My question is that I have the email address and transaction numbers of my PayPal users. Is there a way that I can import this into RevenueCat so that my users can continue to use the new software without needing to purchase it again 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @Jerry Seigle!

We don’t support tracking PayPal purchases at this time - that being said, you may be able to take advantage of Promotional Entitlements in order to grant specific user IDs access to entitlements in RevenueCat.

If you have a list of user identifiers, you can create them via the API then grant access to a duration they should have access to.

Badge +3

Quick question here if you allow: We use the promotional entitlements hack to track our PayPal customers in RevenueCat. Unfortunately, it shows up as $0.00, so the amount is not tracked. Is there a way to achieve this via the API, even if multiple API calls are required? Thank you!
