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it goes to Xcode environment instead of sandbox environment

  • 26 August 2021
  • 3 replies

I have two different project one of them uses revenuecat and the other with Qonversion.

in the  revcat project in-app purchases goes to Xcode environment and the Conversion one goes to Sandbox environment. 

Devices are the same.

Sand box testers are the same.

I don't know what is wrong with my revcat project .

any recommendation would be appreciated.


Hi @Alireza Nazer, it looks like you made a ticket for this, but I’m posting the response here as well, just in case:

There might be something wrong with your StoreKit configuration files (we have a guide on testing with the simulator here:

But usually, we recommend testing with a physical device because the simulator can be a bit finicky - try testing with a physical device and seeing if you get the same errors or not. 

Hi @Alireza Nazer, it looks like you made a ticket for this, but I’m posting the response here as well, just in case:

There might be something wrong with your StoreKit configuration files (we have a guide on testing with the simulator here:

But usually, we recommend testing with a physical device because the simulator can be a bit finicky - try testing with a physical device and seeing if you get the same errors or not. 

Hi @sundeep ,thank you for reply , but I amusing two different physical device iPad air2 and iPhone7.

Hi @sundeep I solved my problem by setting Storekit configuration to “None” and now on all physical devices sandbox works fine.

I don't know why ,but it works.

Thank you.

