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I have few apps and I would like possibility to share subscriptions between them. So if a user is subscribed in one app they would have possibility to use pro features in other apps as well. Is it possible now with RevenueCat?

Right now, it is only possible to share subscriptions between one iOS and one Google Play (Android) app. We are currently working on a project that will allow associating multiple apps on the same platform with each other, which will enable the exact scenario that you are describing. That project is planned to ship over the course of the next few months.

+1 for the ability to share a subscription between multiple iOS Apps. 

+1 for the ability to share a subscription between multiple iOS Apps.

@Jens Do you have some date to have it done?

This is currently under development, we’ll launch it as soon as we’re ready, hopefully over the course of the next few weeks

@Jens I see that topic is marked as “Solved”. Is it already implemented? 

Hi @Roman, the topic was marked as solved by the OP; it’s not yet live but will be launched in beta VERY soon (and you are on the list for the beta; you will receive an email when it’s launched).

@Jens I see the feature to share subscription between iOS apps. Should it work if I need to share between 4 apps? (2 Android + 2 iOS) ? 

@Roman as many as you want, yes.

Any news on this or a way to join the Beta?
or perhaps an update on the progress


haven’t been able to find a API endpoint that can get entitlements across projects



Hi @Jesper Ahlmann Andersen, the feature is no longer in beta but fully launched. It’s not possible to share entitlements across projects, but across apps within one project. To share entitlement access between apps, you will need to add them to the same project. The access is shared automatically as long as you use the same user IDs across apps. 

(For existing apps, you might need to contact our support team, because there isn’t currently a way to move apps between projects through the UI).

Hey @Jens is this feature available?

@jeffp yes. All apps within a project can share entitlements.

Thanks! 👍👍

@Jens So does this enable us to share entitlements across multiple iOS and Android apps? Or just a single iOS and Android app within the same project?

@jeffp yes, entitlements are shared across all apps within the same project, regardless of which platform, including multiple iOS and multiple Android apps.

@Jens Ok got it! On a side note, is it possible to integrate separate Amplitude projects for apps within the same project? 

I'd like to upvote the last comment from jeffp. I'd be nice to associate integrations with different apps in the same project.

Configuring integrations differently per-app within a project is on our roadmap but we don’t have an ETA for it.

Hi @Jens! I’m planing to implement multiple apps inside a single projects. Should we authenticate the user with the user ID or it just works based on the purchase account from App Store?

Currently I don’t authenticate the user in any way, and I base everything on the App Store receipt via restoring, but not sure if it is possible to connect between multiple apps.


Hi @gianpiero , to share subscriptions between different apps, you will have to implement am authentication mechanism of some sort. Each app will only be able to restore its own purchases (that's an app store limitation)

Thanks @Jens! So the subscriptions on both apps need to have the same entitlement, and when the user unlocks it on one, it will be unlocked on every app. That’s great!

Do you have an article that explains this process?

Thank you for your support!

Hi @gianpiero , the closest article I can find is this one:

It talks more about the cross-platform aspect but it’s the same for apps sharing a project on the same platform.

@Jens Is it possible to share an entitlement across apps in different projects? Or is there a good workaround? We need to create a new project for a new app because it has separate integrations (i.e. Amplitude, Adjust, etc). However we’d like to bundle both apps under a single subscription.

@jeffp this is not currently possible; the best workaround would probably be to grant promotional entitlements on the respective other project using the REST API.

@Jens Thanks. The other option would be to add the apps to the same project so they can share entitlements, and using a workaround to integrate with separate Amplitude projects, etc. Any way to do this?
