I keep getting rejected in the app store for the same thing - a black screen on load. I’m unable to reproduce the error on my end no matter what I do, whether in the simulator or on a real device, new install or whatever. All the review team give me is a screenshot of a black screen and tell me that’s what they get on launch. I can’t fix it because I can’t reproduce it, all I can do is add a time out on the revenue cat loading so it still gets past that point.
I get barely any information out of them as you can image, so I have no further specifics and normally they approve it after the second or third time anyway because it probably manages to load or something. But every time I add a new update half the time they reject it again for this same black screen issue..
There’s literally zero problems with the app, the subscriptions or how they are set up - everything works perfectly. Why do they have a problem with revenuecat loading in their review environment?