I’m looking for an advice or a guidance how to fill the Data safety form in Google Play in regard to RevenueCat integration.
Our app is not collecting any private user data, no account is necessary, no ads, no analytics implemented, but offers subscription to Premium version with unlimited functionality. We are processing Premium subscriptions using RevenueCat SDK. We are getting anonymous information about users who started trial/purchased/canceled subscription. All we know is that “someone” (we get anonymous user ID, e.g. $RCAnonymousID:23kkjjj344kjkjkjkjkj3jkjjjkjkj) in Canada using Android device opened the app, started a trial, purchased the Premium subscription, or canceled trial, opt out from renewal of Premium subscription.
I assume the “data type” we collect is only “Financial info – Purchase history”.
I assume this data is “collected” and users can “choose whether this data is collected”, since users can use the app without purchasing the Premium subscription.
I assume the reason is “App functionality”, since it enables the unlimited features of the app.
I assume “data is encrypted in transfer.”
I assume “data can’t be deleted” since there is no connection to a real person/user id or email, I am not able to delete information about the particular purchase of Premium subscription.
Are my assumptions correct?
I would appreciate your help. We want our app to be private, to be clear and transparent.
Thank you.