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I want to experiment when I show the paywall to users. For example, I want to start with 3 experiments - show it immediately after they sign up, or one week later, or one month later. Making the game free completly without a trial period or subscription until that moment.


I already setup 6 offerings with different price points and presentations of price options. I suppose I can create 18 offerings which are the same 6 offerings but on the 3 different time delays, but that seems like a lot. Is there a simpler way to experiment with when to show the user the paywall?

Hi @DoughBoy,

If I understood it correctly, you want to experiment only when to show the paywall - not changing the pricing on the paywall. In that case you don’t need to create different offerings, just change the logic on when to show it. 

It can probably help you to use Targeting placement which can take care of a big chunk of the logic.

Let me know if this works!

hey @joan-cardona , thanks for the reply.

Thanks, I didn’t realize I can configure placements like this.

But I’m still not 100% srue this solves my issuue. I was already able to dynamically decide when to show the paywall pretty easily using a remote config. It looks like I can use Placements for this now instead.

But how can I run experiments to help me test the best placement?

For example, I want some customers to see paywall at the end of onboarding, and some to see it after using the app for one full week. And maybe a third test of seeing it after 1 month.

How can I run side by side testing to see which one of these converts better, similar to how we can do experiments on price? I want to do experiments on placement.


