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How does Promotional Access work when there is a paid subscription active.

  • 19 October 2021
  • 1 reply


If I grant promotional access to an active customer how does that work with their active subscription? Will it be applied straight away or once the subscription is expired.

e.g. If I grant 6 months promotional accesss to the users membership, and their subscription expires a year later, will the 6 months be added after the membership has finished (18 months) or will it be running at the same time as the subscription (effectively cancelling it out).


Ideally I would like a way to ‘add; 6 months free to someones membership


Thanks in advance!

Best answer by tina

Hey @ejg 

Are you referring to RevenueCat’s promotionals? If that’s the case, then these promotionals are a RevenueCat specific feature and work independently of the app stores. If you’re granting them from the dashboard, the 6 months will be granted right away, therefore running at the same time as the subscription. If you’re utilizing the REST API, you can specify the start_time_ms . Note that if the customer did not opt out of renewal, the subscription will continue to renew as normal, so you would need to track when the customer’s subscription expired and will not renew, then apply the promotional. 

Alternatively, here are some possible options for the app stores:

For Apple purchases, you can utilize their Promotional Offers to achieve the desired outcome, where the 6 months free will be in the middle of the active subscription. 

For Android purchases, you can defer the Google subscription to renew at a later date, e.g: after the 6 month promotional. REST API for reference: 

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RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 338 replies
  • Answer
  • October 20, 2021

Hey @ejg 

Are you referring to RevenueCat’s promotionals? If that’s the case, then these promotionals are a RevenueCat specific feature and work independently of the app stores. If you’re granting them from the dashboard, the 6 months will be granted right away, therefore running at the same time as the subscription. If you’re utilizing the REST API, you can specify the start_time_ms . Note that if the customer did not opt out of renewal, the subscription will continue to renew as normal, so you would need to track when the customer’s subscription expired and will not renew, then apply the promotional. 

Alternatively, here are some possible options for the app stores:

For Apple purchases, you can utilize their Promotional Offers to achieve the desired outcome, where the 6 months free will be in the middle of the active subscription. 

For Android purchases, you can defer the Google subscription to renew at a later date, e.g: after the 6 month promotional. REST API for reference: 


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