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I’ve noticed that in order to see the purchase status reflected correctly under App Store → Sandbox Account → Subscriptions, I will need to set in Xcode Product->Scheme->StoreKit Configuration to none. But in doing so, I’m unable to retrieve the correct Trial offer eligibility information. 

On the other hand, if I set a value to the StoreKit configuration file, then I’m able to see the up to date trial offer eligibility info on Paywall, but the purchase won’t show up under App Store → Sandbox Account → Subscriptions, in spite of the success purchase confirmation.

What is the proper way to test in the sandbox environment in this case? Please advise. Thank you. 

Hi @jbb-8532ff,

This does seem correct to me - the StoreKit Configuration file is a way to test without being connected to the App Store’s sandbox environment, so you could really only test in one or the other. If you’re testing on device, my advice would be to set your StoreKit Config Scheme to none, then create a new sandbox user to test with. Most likely, the trial eligibility info is not working on the paywall due to the user having previously held a trial and creating a brand new user should reset that eligibility.