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Device not allowed to make purchase in production

  • 2 December 2021
  • 1 reply


My app is on the store a long time ago, the app-purchase product is approved, the problem is that offerings works well in testing mode when running the app from Xcode, but in production it shows that the device is not allowed to make purchase.

I have installed the sandbox configs and license in the Xcode.

Hmm, assuming you’re seeing that error when attempting to purchase, here are some things I would start to check:

  1. Device is signed in with a valid Apple account that has a valid payment method configured.
  2. There are not any parental controls on the device blocking in app purchases.
  3. An SKErrorPrivacyAcknowledgementRequired error from Apple could cause this: You can double check that all of the Apple terms and conditions have been accepted for the Apple account.
