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ATT Content Authorised but IDFA 0ed

  • 2 November 2023
  • 1 reply

We are seeing Attribute - ATT Authorised but IDFA 0000…

At the same time our MMP (singular) and Meta seems to miss many if not most of our ATT installs (seems like 70% discrepancy from internal tracking of ATT authorised)

Any idea? Dying to know...

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey @krsj ,


Are you asking for permission before calling Purchases.collectDeviceIdentifiers()? Once a device identifier is set for a subscriber, it can't be changed. This is done in order to keep these identifiers associated with the original installation. This allows RevenueCat to send events generated by a particular device to downstream integrations with a consistent identifier unaffected by uninstalls and reinstalls. If you are trying to get that IDFA, I recommend calling the method after consent is given to ensure that you are saving the idfa as access is granted otherwise it will stay as it was initially set. 
