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I’m trying to design my first paywall and I may have made life a bit too complicated by also having Offer Codes for about a 50% discount on launch.

What I can’t see how to do is customise paywall content if the user has an offer code.

I’ve setup offers

  • $7.99 for first year (vs $14.99 normal), or
  • $0.99 per month for first 6 months (vs $1.99 normal)

Am I obliged in some way to put those reduced figures on the paywall?

Or am I overthinking this and I can just ignore the offer code discounts in my paywall pricing?


I’m using the Siamese Content paywall template which generates (sample) content such as “Try 7 days for free, then $1.99 for your first month, and just $3.33/mo thereafter.” which I think is rendered from the Play store suggested 

Try ( sub_offer_duration )) for free, then ( sub_offer_price_2 }) for your first ( sub_offer_duration_2]), and just {{ price_per_period }} thereafter.

Unfortunately we don’t have built-in support for Offer Codes on our remote paywalls just yet. That said, you can simply not advertise that price (as you mentioned), and the app store card that is shown before the user ultimately purchases will have the correct price.
