
Max limit value to paginate the next page.

  • 24 February 2024
  • 2 replies


Hi Team, 
This question regards the pagination of REST API endpoints. It is mentioned in the document in the pagination section that the default value for the limit is 20, but it doesn’t mention the maximum value.I have tested it in the Postman, and it supports unlimited value. Is there any plan to fix the limit value at a certain value?

I also noticed an error with the pagination when setting the value to 1. The pagination goes into an infinite loop when we set the pagination limit value to 1. The next_page field returns the same API URL multiple times. Could you please look into that?


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2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our engineering team is currently looking into this, I will update here when I hear back.

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi, our engineering team has fixed this now. Please let us know if you are still running into this.